Thursday, October 30, 2008


There once was a boy who couldn't die
No matter how hard he tried
So he jumped off a cliff
Hit a board that was stiff
And landed without a scratch on his hide!

Willy B

There once was a fox without legs
He hobbled around with four pegs
He tried to swing dance
And also tried pants
But the fox without legs now begs!

Katelyn S

There once was a girl who would text
especially during school tests
every ten seconds
she'd shorten a sentence
and write LOL - what a pest!

Brandon B

Papa’s Train

We were running and so insane
trying to catch the train
Papa pushed through
We tried all we could do
OH NO there he goes on the train!!!

by Christopher S.

There once was a clerk named Turk
and he really was one big jerk
he was mean to kids
and made babies cry
and he never showed up at work!

by Kari C.

Cramming to get it done
A limerick I have none
Oh, what to write
My time is so tight
So I'll have to use this one!

Brandon B

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