Friday, November 18, 2011

Twas the Night Before Christmas Parodies

Twas Minutes before Halftime
by Ryan Stover

'Twas the minutes before halftime, and all through the court,
The fans were cheering on the basketball sport
With rebounds and layups and three point shots,
The athletes became prideful, and felt quite hot

Then all of a sudden it was my time to shine,
If I had a moment of glory, this would be mine,
With the ball in my hands, I charged towards the basket,
While the fans went wild, and caused quite a racket

I put the ball up, it fell through the net
Then I trotted away like I was "all that"
I stood with a smirk all across my face
Feeling like I was the one and only ace

I looked at the fans and smiled and waved
I figured I was experiencing my five minutes of fame
I felt like a champion, I felt like a star
I felt like I never had felt before

From the sidelines they screamed "Wrong basket! Wrong basket!"
I looked at the scoreboard and laid in my casket
It was the other teams point, I scored it for them
I couldn't believe how stupid I had been

Twas’ the Week before Finals
Amelia Gutierrez

Twas the week before finals, when all were oppressed
Every student and teacher was acting possessed
The deadlines were close and the standards set high
And everyone felt sure they were going to die.

The students were tormented, and all sleep deprived
With hair all amiss and massive bags under eyes
Memorizing, cramming, and all in a trance
Learning silly things like the cities of France.

They wished their teacher’s advice they never forsook
And spent more time studying, and less on facebook
If they had been ready when pandemonium broke loose
Maybe they wouldn’t be hopeless, tying their own noose.

Their teachers nagged and pleaded all semester long
Bur the students had grown tired of their never-ending song
And now come the final hours, the judgment days

And the price for procrastination, they all must pay!